The Mr. is in full swing with the Spring semester. He is taking 5 classes and is also going to try and fly everyday like he did last semester. One of his classes is an evening class, so 2 nights a week he has school until 8:30. The rest of the week nights he uses to study, write papers, ect. after Wyatt goes down, so like I told him a couple days ago... "I'll see you in May, honey!" lol He's going to be busy but I also know it will fly by.
In other news, me and Wyatt are doing great! The winter women's bible study started at church and instead of doing the evening bible study (because of the Mr.'s school) I am doing the Wednesday morning study. Wyatt moved up to the 12 - 17 month old room at church! So between morning bible study, MOPS on Fridays, and church on Sundays, all of which he does not get his morning nap..... his body decided it was time to drop it!! So now even when we are home he just started not taking a morning nap a couple days ago! I was thinking it was about time for that because he was starting to have a harder time with his afternoon nap. And sure enough, dropping his morning nap fixed his afternoon nap problems. So we are down to just 1 afternoon nap!! On the one hand, it's hard because that has always been my time to get ready for the day =/ But on the other hand it is nice because it really opens up our schedule a lot! As you all know, our schedule has revolved around Wyatt's naps for the last 13 months, haha. So it gives us a little more flexibility =) We have a good balance for the next few months I think.. I like him going to the nursery a couple days a week to "play" with other kids his age. He's real sweet on the teachers too (like he is to everybody) =)
So we are just in our "grind"! I have a couple things I need to blog about... but just wanted to "check in" and of course, post some new pictures of Wyatt!
Swinging at the park, he just laughs and laughs
Playing with flour
Eating a snack
Peek-a-boo! Looking underneath the chair
Tippy Toes! trying to look out the window
I was in the kitchen putting groceries away and he was in the living room digging through the rest of the grocery bags. He dug out the mushrooms and just helped himself! He gets into the produce drawers in the fridge nearly everyday.. you will very often find him chowing down on celery, carrots, red peppers, cucumber, ect. He already raids the fridge!
Getting a ride on the blanket
He loves going outside... he knows he has to put his shoes on to go out so here he is trying to get his shoes on =)
When we go somewhere, he walks to the car all by himself.. ahhh, he's getting big to fast!
He did this all by himself and when I took him down to watch him do it again I couldn't believe how easy it was for him =/ ack!
We took Wyatt's birthday donations to the Ronald McDonald House! Thank you for helping us be able to do that!! We learned that they take anything used too, as long as it is in working condition for the families. So consider the RMH next time you have a donation to bring to Goodwill!