Sunday, May 20, 2012

Big Boy Cup

If you haven't tried Chick-fil-a's chocolate chip cookie... you are missing out!! They are soooo good! Wyatt and I went there the other day just for a cookie snack =) I got him a small cup of water and he was just as proud as could be that he had a big kid cup!

Playing the xylophone is hard work!

He went on to play with the rest of his toys but would not put the cup down =) 

We are getting ready for our big airplane trip to Georgia this week!! Haircuts, shopping, errands, packing... I've got my list ready ;) We fly out in 5 days!! Hope you all have a wonderful week!
"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. " - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

My heart is overwhelmed with JOY today! Not only am I blessed to have such an awesome mom and a wonderful mother-in-law but I get to be MOM to the most adorable little boy. It is such a gift to be able to experience motherhood and one that I do my very best at never taking for granted. My boys made my day extra special and I am so thankful =)

Wyatt checking out the card he gave me

 Our "before church" picture... getting a picture with this kid is next to impossible right now

It's tradition at our church for the men to sing "Beautiful Savior" to the ladies on Mother's Day =)

 After church, we went out for lunch at Logan's Roadhouse

 Then we came home and took 2 hour naps! It doesn't get any better! hehe
Tickling after nap =)

 One little monkey jumping on the bed!
 Going out....

....for snowcones!

 Funny story - On our way to lunch we drove down a really big hill so Tyler and I put our hands up in the air like a roller coaster and said "weeeeeee!!!" Wyatt just laughed at us. Well, later today when we were driving home from getting snow cones, I turn around to Wyatt saying "eeeee!" with his hands up in the air!!! We weren't even going down a hill, but it cracked us up =) (It looks like he's praisin' Jesus in the picture, haha)

I couldn't have asked for a better day!

I loved this post from Ann Voskamp this past week, The Habit of a Mother Who Changes the World. I pray that it will always be my priority to give the very best of myself as a wife and mom and never just "leftovers." These 2 guys deserve the best! =)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Friends, Tomatoes, and Everything in Between

We had a busy week! Monday night I had a MOPS event called "Pass the Torch" where we officially passed on the leadership from this year's steering team to next year's steering team. I am going to be one of the MOPPETS Coordinators along with 3 other ladies. I totally didn't think to bring my camera that night.
Tuesday night we got together for dinner and fellowship with friends from church.... It is important to note here that all 5 families that were there have toddlers born all within 2 months of each other!!! (they are all in the same nursery room at church) The guys were peacefully chatting outside in peace and quiet while we were trying to watch 5 toddlers play without doing bodily harm to each other =)

Becky trying to sqeeze in with Wyatt

 Wyatt's "twin", Garrett

This is Wyatt's signature face... really friendly, huh? lol ... and sweet Caroline
 Just missing Emily in this one...


I kind of slacked on getting pictures of adults, lol. We were also able to pick the first 2 tomatoes this week!

I'm not sure if we picked them to early or to late, but they were only halfway good. The half that was good, was really good though! =) There are 3 more growing. I am going to have to declare my first attempt at container gardening a success! (for me anyways!)

Tyler finished his finals this week and we had our last MOPS meeting of the year. Bible Study is already wrapped up too! So it is "officially" summer for us =) WOOHOO

Tyler has a couple weeks off until he starts the summer semester and he'll be full time all summer. For now... we are counting down the days until we fly to Georgia!!!!! Can. not. wait to see my family! And not only my parents and little bro, but also my big bro, sisinlaw, and neice and nephew who we haven't seen in over a year!! Wyatt was just 3 months old when they last saw him! 13 more days.....!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend Wrap-Up

Our weekend was a little different, lol... I guess mostly because Wyatt is cutting his "eye" teeth, the sharp pointy ones. It looks like he's getting all 4 (2 on top and 2 on bottom). That seems to be how he teethes... a whole set of the same tooth all at once! I can't decide if that's a good thing or not yet =/ He has been pitiful allllll weekend, he's just been feeling so horrible.
BUT, we did go to Fredricksburg yesterday just for the day... we HAD to go see The Avengers!! Between Tyler's sister and my brother telling us how awesome it was, we just couldn't wait =) So Wyatt spent the day with his Gammy and Grandpa while we went to go see it. He did have some water time in the backyard while we were gone, but he definitely wasn't himself and I didn't get any pictures. I know, it's hard to believe ;)
Today, Tyler was back in Fredricksburg working all day. He worked last weekend too, and it looks like there will be more work for him in the next couple weeks! God always provides, we are so thankful.
I stayed home with Wyatt so I watched church online.... we stayed in our jammies all day and just lounged out. He doesn't want me to leave his side when he doesn't feel well. It's exhausting, but there's no other place I'd rather be. =) I am hoping he feels better tomorrow though.

My tomato plant is still going strong! I can't believe it! ha They finally started turning red! This picture was taken on my phone (which is not a smart phone) so it's not that great....

But what's a post if there aren't any pictures of Wyatt!? These are from last week, because he sure hasn't been this happy all weekend =( I was trying to teach him to say "cheeeese" and smile at the camera while he was eating lunch, lol... I got him laughing and just love these pictures =)

And I have to put in a plug for Annie's Cheddar Bunnies ! No artificial ingredients and taste even better than Goldfish!! So glad I found these because Wyatt was getting hooked on Goldfish and I feel much better about him eating these.
Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pumpkin Bread Recipe

I make this Pumpkin Bread recipe A. LOT. I know it's not fall, but this is so good it should be consumed all year round =) It's whole wheat and NO sugar! And another great way to get some kind of vegetable in Wyatt! He loves this pumpkin bread and eats it for breakfast, lunch, and snack. It literally took me a MAX of 10 minutes to throw it together the other day (all you do is mix and stir all the ingredients) and here is the mess Wyatt managed to make in such a short amount of time...

Planning his next move...

It's a good thing my kitchen is tiny! I'm afraid the bigger my kitchen, the bigger mess he would make!


About Me

Hi, I'm Jenna! Wife of 9 years to my high school sweetheart, Tyler, and stay-at-home mama to our 3 year old, Wyatt, and 1 year old foster daughter. I blog about our extra-ordinary days to keep family updated and because I enjoy journaling and documenting the things that bring me joy... faith, family, and friends!


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