Well, apparently we are being "stingy" (love you Aunt Terrie) with photos of our lil man. So as requested, here are a few more pictures for those who just gotta have more =)
I love this recliner, just need a good movie now. |
Umm... don't do that again, I'm freezing! |
One of my many beds, but this is my favorite. |
Roar... I'm a dinosaur! |
zzzzzzz, I promise this isn't what I do all day =)
Second favorite bed of all time, yes all 10 days of my life!
Me and Dad hanging out!
Least favorite bed, for some reason it's not as warm and I can't hear that thud, thud, thud, next to me ear.
Oh my gosh Dad Sherlock Holmes is so cool!
Bear Hugs for Daddy!
Umm, that's not a baby... WHISKEY GET OUT OF THERE!
There you have it folks, that's just a quick glance at our lives as of late. We're having a blast! |
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