Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Medical" Update

Hey Everyone!

Wanted to let you all know what is going on with Wyatt. I figured this was the easiest and quickest way =)
Last week at his 2 month appointment we found out he has an allergy to milk. (major symptomn being blood in his stools) So the Dr. told us to switch him to a formula called Nutramigen, which is a (VERY expensive) hypoallergenic formula. Well we started the transition to the new formula and about the same time, Wyatt was suddenly refusing to eat! (Which we all know is very unusual for him) =) When I would try to feed him, he began arching his back, throwing his head back, and just crying! He spits the nipple out of his mouth and turns his head away, ect. We assumed it was the formula so we tried his old formula again but that didn't solve the problem either. Over the last few days we've tried different kinds of bottles, tried different size nipples, changed up his routine to where he would eat right before a nap (he ate a little easier when sleepy), ect... Well anyways, nothing was solving it and we were getting worried as he was eating less and less. (since the formula wasn't the issue he is back on only the Nutramigen)

I took him in today and found out the culprit is reflux (acid reflux). When I described his behavior to his Dr. he knew immediately. The first thing he asked was, "Does he get the hiccups?" All the time!! lol So, the reflux and food allergy are kind of a combined deal he was explaining to me. To keep things short.. basically Wyatt has inflammation of his gut and is dealing with pain from the reflux coming up his esophagus. GOOD news is that even though he is eating significantly less right now, he IS still gaining weight. (gained 7 ounces in last 9 days) So he is getting the nutrition he needs. He is just showing a food aversion due to the pain in his tummy. Dr. prescribed Zantac (for infants) and we are starting it today. He said it should be a temporary medicine to resolve the issue and allow his gut and esophagus to heal from the reflux. He wants to hear back from us in 7 days as he said we should see a significant difference in his behavior by then.

Keep him in your prayers that we can resolve this quickly! As for now.. he is getting lots of extra cuddles and kisses!!


  1. Jenna, you are a wonderful mommy! Wyatt's a very lucky little boy! :) We'll be praying for you, I'm sure this combined with moving can get kinda stressful. You can do it!
    Love you!

  2. Thanks so much Jamie! Made my day =)



About Me

Hi, I'm Jenna! Wife of 9 years to my high school sweetheart, Tyler, and stay-at-home mama to our 3 year old, Wyatt, and 1 year old foster daughter. I blog about our extra-ordinary days to keep family updated and because I enjoy journaling and documenting the things that bring me joy... faith, family, and friends!


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