Friday, March 30, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

Yesterday morning we were supposed to have an Easter Egg Hunt with our MOPS group. I think about 50 people responded that they planned to attend. But it rained Wednesday night and they ended up having to cancel it because the ground was too wet. So that was a bummer, but thankfully Laura opened up her home and invited just our table over to her house to do a hunt inside... picnic and all! It ended up being me with Wyatt, Kelly with her 2 (Luke and Becky), and then of course Laura (with Avery). It is amazing how with only 4 little ones it can be so crazy! lol ... especially toddlers I guess =) But we had a blast!



 Teasing the dogs, lol
 Luke and Becky ready for the hunt!

Wyatt figured out right away what he was supposed to do... so cute!

 Looking and thinking..

 I think Becky sat down and opened the first egg she found, lol 

Checking out what he found!

 Cheerios, hehe

This is blurry, but, Luke started running around and it got Wyatt so excited, he ran around right behind him =)

These 2 couldn't get enough of the stairs, lol 

And our attempt(s) at getting a group shot. These make me laugh, so much fun with these little ones =)

Avery swiping Luke's egg when he's not looking, haha

Seems like we had a busy week.... the Mr. has to do a cross country flight tomorrow (Saturday) so me and the little guy are just going to chill out at home all day!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wyatt's World

We had Wyatt's 15 month appointment this morning. Poor guy had a rough day.. he is cutting 1 or more of his "eye" teeth and his thighs were sore from his shots the rest of the day. He just wandered around and fussed if I wasn't holding him =/
We were surprised to look at his stats on the growth curve! He weighs 22.3 lbs and is 31 inches long. His weight puts him at only 18% and his height is 50%! His Dr. said this is where he will tend to fall on the growth chart from now on since his growth really leveled out. So it looks like he is going to be long and lean! It's so crazy because I always think he is big because of his clothes size, but I don't know.. I guess the brand of clothes I buy just run really small! (He wears 18 mo and 24 mo clothes!) Weird. I think he is going to take after my metabolism because the boy already eats us out of house and home! lol
His Dr. was super pleased with his development. She said, "You guys, seriously. He is just perfect." lol I am so thankful for a healthy little boy =)
While we were waiting, we were telling Wyatt to do different things. I said, "Go spin the chair." And he went over to the chair and made it spin! I've never said that to him before, it is so crazy how smart they are! I gave him my keys and said, "Open the door." And of course I had to whip out my camera, lol

He loves to climb. I know I have said that before but it is crazy. We went to a friend's house for a play date a couple weeks ago and Wyatt climbed up on the couch (like he does at home). Well, my friend's 15 month old, Becky, hadn't discovered that yet. She said ever since the day we were there, Becky climbs up on the couch now, haha. Anyways, one day after we went on a walk Wyatt climbed up in the stroller and we caught him jumping in it backwards, just laughing! So the other day when we got back from a walk, I collapsed the stroller, trying to prevent him from being able to climb in it. Yeah, he still climbed on it.....

He seriously thinks it is hilarious when he climbs up on something!

And 2 pictures I am loving right now...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I'm Horrible At Coming Up With Titles

Ack! The weekend just flowed right into the start of the week and I realized I didn't post Sunday's Lent inspiration. We did have a wonderful weekend though! Saturday night my MOPS group put on a date night out catered by a Mexican restaurant for dinner and our pastor and his wife spoke about marriage and parenting. Tyler's mom came down to watch Wyatt and we just had a really nice night out. Sunday after church, we went out for lunch with 2 other families (both have 15 month olds!)... and then Sunday night Tyler had some fellow flight students over for a study group and we grilled out for them. It is such a blessing that we are both starting to connect with people and build friendships... I have a lot of thoughts on that, hmmm, maybe that will be its own post.

Anyways.... this week I wanted to link up to this devotional from Grace Notes, by Philip Yancey. It goes along with what I am studying right now in my bible study and that is that we will experience suffering. Sometimes I think people have the (wrong) impression that life for a Christian is just happy and perfect and everything is hunky dory! Sure, God does bless with good health, and finances and possessions, and overall happiness.... but, he does not promise these things. Ever. All good things come from His hands (James 1:17), but they are not a guarantee. In John 16:33, Jesus says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world!" There are several places in Scripture that we are told that we will experience trouble, suffering, and heartache.
What a Christian is promised by God is... "Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5 This is how a Christian can experience hope and peace and joy in the midst of life's sufferings. We should expect suffering as a part of our time here on earth. But that is the beautiful thing about this Easter season...... we are reminded that Jesus conquered death when he rose from the dead and we have eternal life free of suffering awaiting us in heaven! We need this reminder all year long, not just during the Lent season.

Also, this is unrelated but I know I have a few young moms that read so I wanted to share this post "Ten Fun Ways To Keep Easter About Jesus" at the blog, "We are THAT family." (I don't have a problem with taking part in the commercial aspect of Easter and Christmas, but as Wyatt gets older I will make it a priority to keep the focus on the real celebration of those holidays!) That post has some great ideas for Easter!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring is in the air...

Spring is in the air and I am loving it! I didn't plan on blogging tonight but I just had to after I went out to water my tomato plant and saw this.....

Like I've said before, I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to growing vegetables, but I'm pretty sure that looks like a baby tomato?!?! We have finally had some direct sunlight the last 2 days and I think that was just what it needed. I am so excited!

I've done a couple things around the house to lighten it up a little bit and add some "spring"!
First, I spray painted a picture frame (that I already had) white, and then I printed out a free printable to put in it! Super easy and cheap, and cute!

I found the printable through Pinterest (of course!) and here's a link to the site! (It comes in different colors and there are a couple other designs too!)

And the other (not finished) craft I've been working on...

I already had those shelves. They were brown so I painted them white. Then I just wrapped yarn around paper mache letters! I'm sure it is pretty obvious what word it is supposed to be.... but everytime I go to Hobby Lobby they are out of "V"s !! lol It'll be cute when it's done. =)

We started up our Spring bible study this morning at church, so we'll have that every Wednesday morning through May. The weather was gorgeous today and will be for the next couple days! I <3 Spring.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy 15 Months, Wyatt!


  • Wears size 4 diapers
  • Weighs around 23 lbs and I'm not sure how tall he is. His appt. is next week so I'll update then.
  • Wears 18 month clothes, but I started buying some 24 month T-shirts for this summer
  • Has 12-14 teeth (8 front ones, first set of 4 molars, then a couple of his eye teeth are starting to poke through)
  • Eats everything that we eat now! He still likes chicken but not as much as he did a few months ago. He eats beef too, loves pasta, absolutely loves fruit (every single kind).. BUT, he has entered the "vegetables are yucky" stage! It's amazing how kids know which foods are vegetables! lol He will eat slices of cucumbers though. Between me and him, we eat about 3 cucumbers a week. Sometimes I can trick him by giving him tomato with his strawberries. And I got him to eat Zucchini with salad dressing on it... so I just have to get creative with the veggies! 
  • Schedule - Sleeps from 7 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., he is still a great sleeper and we are soo thankful for that!  He takes an afternoon nap every day. His morning nap depends.... I thought he had dropped it all together, but then he started taking it again. He doesn't take one if we have something to go to in the morning and he does fine with just 1 nap. But if we are at home, he usually will take it. (about 3-4 days out of the week he gets a morning nap, so I guess he's still transitioning out of it) 
  • Says Dada, Mama, Kitty, Up, No, Hi, Ball, More, and Bird ... they don't necessarily sound exactly like they should but we are learning his "language." He babbles all day long. Here is a video of him in the car a couple days ago - 

  • Loves books! We read about 10-12 books a day between nap/bed time and just throughout the day. He'll bring a book just while he's playing and crawl into my lap and we'll read it =) It is my favorite part of the day, especially since he doesn't need to be rocked to sleep anymore =(
  • It is amazing how much he understands! (And that goes for all kids this age!) If we are reading he does, "Point to the.." moon, sun, stars, kitty, sheep, horse, balloons, light, butterfly, ect. During playtime he understands, "Go get..." a ball, a book, your tools, colors, ect. 
  • Loves "helping" around the house. When we unload the dishwasher, he hands us the dishes. He helps with laundry, ect. Yesterday I caught him "doing laundry" - 
  • Climbs! And he's good at it. =/
  • Loves bubbles... we blow them at night when he's in the bathtub. He also pours the water on his head when we tell him to. And rubs his tummy when we say, "Wash your tummy." 
  • Discovered the toilet! So far it hasn't been an issue because he'll just tear off pieces of toilet paper and throw them in there and flush it, lol. 
  • Gives high fives
  • Sits and rolls a ball back and forth
  • Does the motions to the song, "If You're Happy and You Know It"

If he's acting bored, I give him something to make a mess of =)

Chocolate Pudding (he thoroughly enjoyed this!! lol)

He loves pickles! haha

Emptied out the top shelf and tried to climb in..

 Eating an apple. He likes the whole piece of fruit, not pieces. So silly..

 After his 1st haircut..
 Snacking up on the counter, one of his fav spots to be

 Making a spaceship, or something like that, lol

Wyatt, at 15 months old, you wear me out! I feel like I am trying to keep up with you all day! You have so much energy and life! Our lives are forever complete because of the joy you bring to us! I love you more and more with each day that passes! 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


This Sunday's post isn't necessarily directly about Lent, but it is related. I came across this post titled, "What's Growing?" written by Holley Gerth. It's super short, but the message is that our relationship with God takes time and growth. It is not about immediate production. This reminded me of the Lenten season because it is a time of reflection and refocusing which (hopefully) brings about growth in our faith walk. In the last bible study I did ("James-Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore) she talked about how we want a "Holy Spurt" instead of the "Holy Spirit" (lol).... We always want to hear from God in our time and on our terms, or have him show us a "sign" when making a decision, or read a bible verse and have it speak directly to our current circumstances... but the truth is, it takes time and commitment and effort on our part to cultivate our relationship with God. We must be in His Word and seeking His will daily and in all things, giving thanks in all circumstances and God will work in our lives and we will feel the Holy Spirit in His time. It is a growth process... much like gardening. And I am learning more and more that it is lifelong journey. We will never know God fully here on earth,we won't always seek His purpose for our lives, we will have doubts, we'll never have all the answers to our questions, we'll stray and get distracted by the things of the world, we'll stumble and sin... BUT, God is faithful. And in spite of all those things we can come back to Him and continue our journey and grow in our faith.

Speaking of growth.... something my tomato plant is struggling with (ahem).. =/ It desperately needs SUN, and it's been so cloudy here! I'm totally bummed. It has started flowering, but it is also kind of whithering, lol. And I had to pull some dead leaves off. hmmm. I'm in it for the long haul! But it's not looking hopeful.

"For great is His love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord." Psalm 117:2

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Weekend in Dallas

Our cancelled camping trip weekend turned into our weekend in Dallas with the Mr.'s family! We decided to drive up there last minute.... our camping trip wasn't going to start until Saturday but once we decided to cancel it (Friday morning) we decided we would leave by lunch time for Dallas! I had to go to my MOPS meeting so the Mr. packed everything up and when I got home we hit the road. Unfortunately, we had horrible traffic and weather so a 5 hour trip turned 6.5 hours. Thankfully, Wyatt did awesome so it evened out! I don't have any pics from Friday...
Saturday was Uncle Jason's birthday! So glad we could spend it with him. Aunt Debbie took us out for lunch to Snuffer's and then we went to the Dallas Aquarium. It was Spring Break up there too so it was pretty crowded, but Wyatt loved it so it was worth it. (The pictures didn't turn out that great because of the lighting)

 With his Aunt Ashly...

 And Uncle Jason...

 Wyatt fell out towards the very end =)

On Sunday, the rest of the family came over and we ate LOTS of delicious food and hung out! Even did a little bit of geocaching!

After dinner we walked around a park and watched the ducks and birds! (with Patch and Link of course!)

Monday we visited until lunch time and then we headed home! It turned out to be an awesome weekend, we had a blast! Thank you so much Ashly and Jason for having us last minute! And have your camping stuff ready! ;)


About Me

Hi, I'm Jenna! Wife of 9 years to my high school sweetheart, Tyler, and stay-at-home mama to our 3 year old, Wyatt, and 1 year old foster daughter. I blog about our extra-ordinary days to keep family updated and because I enjoy journaling and documenting the things that bring me joy... faith, family, and friends!


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