- Wears size 4 diapers
- Weighs around 23 lbs and I'm not sure how tall he is. His appt. is next week so I'll update then.
- Wears 18 month clothes, but I started buying some 24 month T-shirts for this summer
- Has 12-14 teeth (8 front ones, first set of 4 molars, then a couple of his eye teeth are starting to poke through)
- Eats everything that we eat now! He still likes chicken but not as much as he did a few months ago. He eats beef too, loves pasta, absolutely loves fruit (every single kind).. BUT, he has entered the "vegetables are yucky" stage! It's amazing how kids know which foods are vegetables! lol He will eat slices of cucumbers though. Between me and him, we eat about 3 cucumbers a week. Sometimes I can trick him by giving him tomato with his strawberries. And I got him to eat Zucchini with salad dressing on it... so I just have to get creative with the veggies!
- Schedule - Sleeps from 7 p.m. to 7:30 a.m., he is still a great sleeper and we are soo thankful for that! He takes an afternoon nap every day. His morning nap depends.... I thought he had dropped it all together, but then he started taking it again. He doesn't take one if we have something to go to in the morning and he does fine with just 1 nap. But if we are at home, he usually will take it. (about 3-4 days out of the week he gets a morning nap, so I guess he's still transitioning out of it)
- Says Dada, Mama, Kitty, Up, No, Hi, Ball, More, and Bird ... they don't necessarily sound exactly like they should but we are learning his "language." He babbles all day long. Here is a video of him in the car a couple days ago -
- Loves books! We read about 10-12 books a day between nap/bed time and just throughout the day. He'll bring a book just while he's playing and crawl into my lap and we'll read it =) It is my favorite part of the day, especially since he doesn't need to be rocked to sleep anymore =(
- It is amazing how much he understands! (And that goes for all kids this age!) If we are reading he does, "Point to the.." moon, sun, stars, kitty, sheep, horse, balloons, light, butterfly, ect. During playtime he understands, "Go get..." a ball, a book, your tools, colors, ect.
- Loves "helping" around the house. When we unload the dishwasher, he hands us the dishes. He helps with laundry, ect. Yesterday I caught him "doing laundry" -
- Climbs! And he's good at it. =/
- Loves bubbles... we blow them at night when he's in the bathtub. He also pours the water on his head when we tell him to. And rubs his tummy when we say, "Wash your tummy."
- Discovered the toilet! So far it hasn't been an issue because he'll just tear off pieces of toilet paper and throw them in there and flush it, lol.
- Gives high fives
- Sits and rolls a ball back and forth
- Does the motions to the song, "If You're Happy and You Know It"
If he's acting bored, I give him something to make a mess of =)
Chocolate Pudding (he thoroughly enjoyed this!! lol)
He loves pickles! haha
Emptied out the top shelf and tried to climb in..
Eating an apple. He likes the whole piece of fruit, not pieces. So silly..
After his 1st haircut..
Snacking up on the counter, one of his fav spots to be
Making a spaceship, or something like that, lol
Wyatt, at 15 months old, you wear me out! I feel like I am trying to keep up with you all day! You have so much energy and life! Our lives are forever complete because of the joy you bring to us! I love you more and more with each day that passes!
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