My very first Mother’s Day… with a baby in my
arms that is.
I originally was going to write a sweet, short letter to Wyatt telling him how much I love him and what he means to me. I didn’t want it to be too “mushy” as I’m more of an introvert, especially when it comes to expressing feelings :) But as I started to write.. I found that this original plan just wasn’t possible…. So here comes the mushiness!
December 19, 2010 at 2:25 pm changed my life forever, in the best possible way I could have ever imagined. I’ve dreamed of being a mommy my whole life. I grew up playing house with my dolls and knew that someday I’d have a baby of my own, a real one ;) I especially knew I wanted to be a mom when I met your Daddy and knew he would be the one I would marry and be with forever.
I thought I had the perfect time picked out to start making my dream a reality. But just like I’ll teach you one day.. it’s not about our timing or our plans.. it’s up to the One who created you! And let me tell you, His ways are perfect. So I began to wait for you… and the months came and went, and then the months turned into years. Some days I was so sad, wondering if I would ever get to meet you. But I always knew you would come… I just had to wait. I prayed for you every day.
And, even though it’s already been over a year since we
found out that you were on your way to us, I can still recall every detail as if it were yesterday. Wyatt, you gave us the biggest surprise of our lives! You are so sneaky ;) Watching you grow from within (and boy, did we grow!) was one of the most exciting times in my life.
But there has never been anything better than the
moment we met you. Your Daddy and I have never been more proud or thankful or happy (or scared!) as we were on that day =) And even your birth day did not go as we had imagined or planned, but God wrote your story many, many years ago and you were finally ours to bring home on December 26th, 2010… just as healthy and wonderful as you could be!
I could not be more thankful that I get to spend every moment of my day taking care of you. Playing with you, changing your diapers, feeding you, rocking you to sleep, staring at you… there just isn’t anything better. I tear up just about daily just looking at you… watching your big bright eyes looking around the room, those perfect little feet just kick and kick, and those sweet little giggles that melt my heart every. single. time. These moments are fleeting, they are already going by so very quickly. I am doing my best to slow down and soak them in.

You have made my heart so full! You smile every single time I tell you “I love you” …. It’s like you just know what I’m saying. And I can see your eyes saying the same thing back to me. <3 I know in the days to come you are going to bring me your share of trouble (especially looking at your Daddy’s track record ;)) But with all the love and joy you’ve brought me, it’ll be worth it. You are already almost 5 months old and while I wish you could stay little in my arms forever, the best thing about being your mommy is watching you learn and grow!
Wyatt, you are a special, special miracle sent from above. I may not always be the perfect mom, but I promise you I will give you the very best of me. I will teach you, and guide you and protect you, and love you… knowing you are really His child that He just entrusted to me for a short time.
I love you forever and always,