Monday, June 27, 2011

Our New Hobby...GeoCaching!

A couple of weeks ago my Brother-in-law (Jason) introduced us to GeoCaching, which has become a new hobby for us. Well, if you asked the Mrs. she would say it has become an obsession. Either way, geocaching is super fun and addicting.

Here's how GeoCaching works. It's basically like a modern day treasure hunt.

  • A geocacher hides a treasure (cache) and publishes it's coordinates on the website. 
  • Then other geocachers see the cache on the site and plot the coordinates using their GPS units and hunt down the cache.
  • In every geocache there is a log book which victorious geocachers sign when they find it. 
  • Many caches also have small trade items (swag) that can be traded. 
  • Only two rules; 1) if you take an item replace it with something of your own 2) sign and date the log.

To play the game you will need;

  • A GPS enabled smartphone or handheld GPS.
  • A free membership at 
  • And the free smart phone app, c:geo.
Below are some snap shots of the site and a listed geocache.

And here are some photos of our first cache hunt's with my family.

Our first GeoCache

Our second cache

Jason finding a nano cache (very small)

Here are examples of the log and trade items.


Swag (trade item)

A couple more of different geocaches the Mrs. and I have found.

Me and W picked this one up at a local park.

This is the spaghetti cave cache listed above

A magnet cache under the lamp post skirt

Park n Grab at the Texas State Line Rest Stop

Huge cache that I found at a rest stop on Hwy 87 N

Mrs. found this one hanging behind a guard rail.
(nice eye babe)

In a worn out knot hole. I had to battle 
an army of daddy long leg spiders to get this one.

Cache was in a tree in a parking lot island
(That's a 8 foot climb up to the tree)

A jar with bark glued to it for camouflage 

Wyatt monkeying around while picking up this cache!

Can you spot the nano cache in this pic?

Yupp that's a logbook stuffed in a bolt that was at the seat 
where the Mrs. is sitting in the picture above. 

Well now you have been introduced to GeoCaching, give it a shot and I promise it will hook you. If so, request me(tytom) as a friend on 

P.S. I'm working on hiding a couple of my own cache's, I'll post them on here when I have them public on the site.

1 comment:

  1. This post should come with an explicit WARNING! label. Geocaching is so addicting :)

    Btw, I can't believe you are giving Jason credit for this new hobby, I'm the one who begged him to take me geocaching on vacation. He didn't even know what it was before I told him! ;)



About Me

Hi, I'm Jenna! Wife of 9 years to my high school sweetheart, Tyler, and stay-at-home mama to our 3 year old, Wyatt, and 1 year old foster daughter. I blog about our extra-ordinary days to keep family updated and because I enjoy journaling and documenting the things that bring me joy... faith, family, and friends!


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