Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy 8 Months!

We had a busy day today so I didn't get his 8 month picture in his rocking chair, but I'll get it up tomorrow!

  • Weighs 18.5 lbs. (not totally accurate, just an at-home weigh) I'm not sure where that puts him percentage wise, but his cheeks and legs sure have gotten chubby the last 2 weeks!
  • Wears size 3 diapers
  • Wears 9 month clothes. Like I wrote about last month, he has finally fallen right into his "actual" size clothes instead being a couple months ahead. 
  • I like adding his schedule in these monthly updates mostly for my sake... I like being able to look back and compare his schedule, so feel free to skip this part. Right now he is on a 6:00 am - 6:00 pm rotation because of his swim instruction at 10:10 am (I'll have a post on that soon!) So he's up at 6 for solid food breakfast and play, then bottle and morning nap at about 7:45, for sure down by 8:00. He naps until 9:15 when I get him ready and we go to swim. Another bottle at about 11:30 and play, play, play. Another bottle and afternoon nap at about 2:00 (1-2 hour nap). Then play until solid feeding dinner at 5, bath at 5:30 and bed at 6:00. He still has 1 night feeding at about 2:00 am. (When he's done with his swim class, I plan on getting him back to 7:00 am - 7:00 pm schedule so his morning nap doesn't have to be so early.)
  • Has 5 teeth now! 2 on bottom and 3 on top. 
  • Has the "pincer grasp" down... he still eats mostly pureed food, but I also give him small pieces of certain fruits and steamed veggies and Puffs to practice self-feeding.

  • Added peaches, nectarines, and zucchini to his menu since last month. He <3s zucchini!
  • Throws his pacifiers out of his crib when he wakes up and we are constantly searching for them.
  • Pulls up on furniture, "cruises" along furniture (see last post), and often gets really brave and reaches from chair to chair... lots of falls and bumps, but rarely a fuss from him, he just keeps on.
  • Recognizes his name and also recognizes "Time to EAT!" I tell him to come to his chair to eat and he drops what he's doing and crawls to his highchair =) 
  • One of his favorite things to do is climb all over the couch cushions when we take them off and set them out on the floor. He loves rough and tumble play, such a boy!
  • Is fascinated by the vacuum!

  • Is also extremely fascinated with my blow dryer. He sits at my feet and stares the entire time I dry my hair

  • Still LOVES bath time!
  • Has been babbling "mamama" "dadada" and "bababa" a lot in the past week. He's not referencing anything specifically, just practicing his sounds!
His new thing right now is that he will put a toy, or a washcloth, or a spatula, (whatever he is playing with) in his mouth and he'll crawl around with the object sticking out of his mouth!! It cracks us up!
Here's an example....


Here's a funny video of the very first time I put a shoe on his foot. He wants to stand up on the entertainment center but he can't get over the fact that something is on his foot, hehe.


To summarize Wyatt up at 8 months old = Whirlwind! He sleeps solid 12 hour nights and 2 naps a day, but when he is awake... he. is. awake. (if you know what I mean) =) He plays hard and he just goes and goes and goes like an energizer bunny. This is working out fine as a baby, but if he keeps up his pace as a toddler ... well, I don't even want to think about that yet! ;) 


  1. Oh, my! I was laughing so hard while I watched the shoe video!!!!

    I love you, Wyatt!

  2. LOL, Glad someone else thought it was as funny as I did! =)



About Me

Hi, I'm Jenna! Wife of 9 years to my high school sweetheart, Tyler, and stay-at-home mama to our 3 year old, Wyatt, and 1 year old foster daughter. I blog about our extra-ordinary days to keep family updated and because I enjoy journaling and documenting the things that bring me joy... faith, family, and friends!


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