Oct 11, 2011
1:45 p.m.
Stinson Municipal Airport
San Antonio, Tx
The world is changed forever...
The sky is no longer the limit...
The horizon is demanding to be tamed...
... all for one man...
(cue dramatic music)
Solo in a Cessna 172SP at 1600 ft MSL in the traffic pattern at Stinson Municipal Airport |
Me (left), Matt CFI* (right) |
Congratulatory handshake from one aviator to another. |
Sneak attack by another CFI, a water dunking is tradition after the first solo at SkySafety** |
Note: I am not wet at all, they under estimated my ninja skills. |
Oh the possibilities that are coming available, lookout world here I come.
* CFI, Certified Flight Instructor
**Sky Safety is the flight school based at Stinson Municipal
That is so awesome! You look good flying that plane, Ty!